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Massage at the lake
Massage is now available with Whole Health Open water swiming, Colwick Park Nottingham. Swim, Sauna, Massage!

Whole health swim the lake logo
Massage by the lake Claire Nutt massage therapist


  • Lucas, G, Nutt, C et al (2022) Ensuring every voice is heard: promoting inclusivity in midwifery education, MIDIRs Midwifery Digest 32:4, 416-422

  • Nutt C (2020) Calm, comfort, and Connection: Massage for family wellbeing, The Practicing Midwife, 2020, Vol.23 (4), p.1

  • Nutt,C. & All4Maternity (2019); E-learning module ‘massage in pregnancy’

  • Nutt, C (2018) In Yates, S (2017) 2nd edition Beautiful Birth, Pinter & Martin, London

  • Nutt, C. (2017) ‘A healthy workplace’ Staff Wellbeing ‘Caring for You’, RCM midwives Vol.20 (2), p.77.

  • Nutt,C. (2016) Discussing the evidence: massage as a positive experience MIDIRs Vol.26 (2), p.195-199

  • Nutt,C. (2016) How can the use of massage in labour improve the experience of birth for women? MIDIRs midwifery digest, 2016, Vol.26 (1), p.64-73

  • RCM (2015) Conference Poster: presentation regarding the ‘Inspire’ study on multicultural aspects of bereavement support following childbirth MIDIRSs

  • Nutt, C. (2013) A touch of 'Aloha': an experience of midwifery in Hawaii and the Mid-Pacific Conference on Birth and Primal Health MIDIRs Vol.23 (2), p.250-253 

 Claire Nutt journal article published in MIDIRS journal
Claire Nutt publication MIDIRS journal Massage for labour and birth
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